• notebookcomputer
  • 25/06/2022

Core Keeper Room Requirements: How to make a bedroom for NPCs

Those who are playing Core Keeper are starting to uncover several NPCs that players can come across in the game. Like Terraria, Core Keeper offers players the opportunity to bring these NPCs safely into your base as long as you have the right requirements. But, the game doesn’t do a specifically good job at explaining how to make an ideal room for the NPC to move in. Here, we do our best at giving you an idea of the requirements to make a bedroom in Core Keeper and the room requirements.

What are the Core Keeper room requirements?

As it stands, it seems like you need a decent enough room size and a few items in the game. Firstly, some NPCs need an item before they move into. This is the case for the white beard NPC who you can unlock after defeating the Slime Boss. In this instance, you need to make a room and have that item in the room, otherwise, they will never move in.

Core Keeper Room Requirements: How to make a bedroom for NPCs

As for the other Core Keeper room requirements, we believe it needs to be a certain size. The general consensus among the community is no larger than 8×8. So, K.I.S (keep it simple). As long as there is enough room for a bed and their required item you should be fine. We also recommend placing at least one torch in there too, just so you can see if the NPC has arrived into its new home or not.

Some players on the internet have reported that they have managed to turn a bridge room into a bedroom, along with a generic cave room into a bedroom. So, the very basics of it seem to require some space and a bed at a minimum. Also, the devs have acknowledged that there is a bug with bedrooms with stone doors. You will need to make them out of wood until it is patched out.

To make a bed, you simply need ten wood and five fibre. Note, you need to make a brand new bed, as the first bed you place belongs to you. Therefore, the second bed you make should be free for an NPC.

An NPC should eventually teleport in an eligible bedroom when you hit these requirements. You may need to wait a few minutes, or quickly nip out and come back before they appear. Also, don’t be confused if the NPC walks off, as they tend to do so before teleporting back to base after travelling some distance.

How to make a bedroom in Core Keeper

For those who like the aesthetics of their base, a simple knocked out cave wall won’t do the trick. To make an actual bedroom in Core Keeper, we recommend using your spare wood for decoration items. You’re going to need a bit of wood for wooden floors, walls and a door. These three items you can make using the basic workbench.

For actual decorations, you‘re going to want to get tin. Tin is an important part of the game, which you can acquire through the wooden boxes while exploring or mining in the clay biome. You need this to make a Carpenter’s Bench, which allows you to make decorative items, such as a carpet, plant pots and more. Keep in mind some of these times require stone walls, which you need to mine from the Ruins biome. These items help to create that added touch to your base and bedroom, making your underground base that little more comforting.

This concludes this Core Keeper room requirements guide. We hope you can take away handy information on how to make a bedroom and house your NPCs with ease. For more Core Keeper guides, checkout WePC’s Core Keeper hub